Home of the Dragonflies!
Phone: (707) 678-8953 Fax: (707) 676-5215
"The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind"
Dr. Maria Montessori
School Hours
Everyday M-F
8:05 - 12:00
Grades K-3
M, T, W, Th 8:05 - 2:30 pm
F only 8:05 - 12:15 pm
Grades 4-8
M, T, W, Th 8:05 - 3:05 pm
F only 8:05 - 12:20 pm
Link to Full Bell Schedue
Everyday M-F
8:05 - 12:00
Grades K-3
M, T, W, Th 8:05 - 2:30 pm
F only 8:05 - 12:15 pm
Grades 4-8
M, T, W, Th 8:05 - 3:05 pm
F only 8:05 - 12:20 pm
Link to Full Bell Schedue
Click the image below for the DMCS Lunch and Breakfast menus
CAASPP Training Tests
Click on the above link to access the Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests. These practice tests provide students with a preview of test questions in both English language arts/literacy and math.
Click on the above link to access the Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests. These practice tests provide students with a preview of test questions in both English language arts/literacy and math.
Look your best in common dress! DMCS has a common dress code. Students are required to wear any color collared shirt and pants. They are also required to wear closed toe shoes. For more information regarding our dress code please see the student handbook.